Welcome To WebStationery - Volume 1.0!!!
Now that you are *in* your browser, just select the
stationery you wish to preview.
I want to E-mail Christopher right now and tell him
how much I like his WebStationery, and/or find out how
to order some personal, customized creations.
For the small fee of $6 Canadian or US funds you will receive
all four of the "Embossed", "Inuit", "Razor", and "Puzzle" stationeries,
all customized to your very own specifications.
Upon receipt of payment you will receive all four personal stationaries,
via e-mail, within 48 hours.
You can mail payment and instructions to:
Christopher Hunt
47 Otto Drive
Yellowknife, NT, CANADA
X1A 2T9
©Christopher Hunt 1997
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